Seo Lab, Institute of Science Tokyo
Selected publications
- Seo, T. UXsim: lightweight mesoscopic traffic flow simulator in pure Python. Journal of Open Source Software, Vol. 10, No. 106, p. 7617, 2025. [PDF]
- Iizuka, K. and Seo, T. Passenger-oriented distributed traffic signal control using dynamic programming with vehicle
queue spillback and waiting time constraints. International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems
Research, 2024
- Chen, X., Qin, G., Seo, T., Yin, J., Tian, Y., and Sun, J. A macro-micro approach to reconstructing vehicle trajectories on multi-lane freeways with lane changing. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, Vol. 160, p. 104534, 2024.
- Kawase, R. and Iryo, T. Optimal stochastic inventory-distribution strategy for damaged multi-echelon humanitarian logistics network. European Journal of Operational Research, 2023.
- Maruyama, R. and Seo, T. Integrated public transportation system with shared autonomous vehicles and fixed-route transits: Dynamic traffic assignment-based model with multi-objective optimization. International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research, 2023. [PDF]
- Seo, T., Wada, K., and Fukuda, D. Fundamental diagram of urban rail transit considering train–passenger interaction. Transportation, 2022. [PDF]
- Seo, T. and Asakura, Y. Multi-objective linear optimization problem for strategic planning of shared autonomous vehicle operation and infrastructure design. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol. 23, pp. 3816–3828, 2022. [PDF]
- Seo, T., Kawasaki, Y., Kusakabe, T., and Asakura, Y. Fundamental diagram estimation by using trajectories of probe vehicles. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, Vol. 122, pp. 40–56, 2019. [PDF]
- Seo, T., Kusakabe, T., Gotoh, H., and Asakura, Y. Interactive online machine learning approach for activity-travel survey. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, Vol. 123, pp. 362–373, 2019. [PDF]
- Seo, T., Bayen, A. M., Kusakabe, T., and Asakura, Y. Traffic state estimation on highway: A comprehensive survey. Annual Reviews in Control, Vol. 43, pp. 128–151, 2017. [PDF]
- Seo, T., Kusakabe, T., and Asakura, Y. Estimation of flow and density using probe vehicles with spacing measurement equipment. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, Vol. 53, pp. 134–150, 2015. [PDF]
*The underlined authors represent the (ex-)members of our lab.
Comprehensive lists of our publications
Doctor's degree
- Nagasaki, Kota: Transportation systems analysis with angle: Modeling and empirical studies, AY2023
- Dahiya, Garima: Fundamental diagrams and traffic state estimation methods: analysis and modeling using Zen Traffic Data, AY2022
Master's degree
- Oda, Koki: Development of passenger flow estimation method in ride-sharing systems using inverse problem, AY2024
- Kanamori, Yuki: Day-to-day traffic simulation after disasters under information constraints, AY2024
- Fujikawa, Yoshiki: Experimental analysis of the scaling law for traffic jam size in mesoscopic traffic flow model, AY2024
- Ma, Yuxun: Hybrid travel behavior models with utility-maximization theory and graph neural network, AY2024
- Iizuka, Kanae: Passenger-oriented distributed traffic signal control in the era of ridesharing, AY2023
- Fujiya, Keiichiro: Modeling pedestrian fundamental diagram based on directional statistics, AY2023
- Ryota Marumaya: Theoretical analysis of dynamic optimal pricing for shared autonomous vehicle system, AY2023
- Mizuno, Kenya: Analysis of social optimal state of general piggyback transportation, AY2023
- Yamashita, Naoya: Mathematical analysis of modal choice between ridesharing and conventional public transportation considering round-trip, AY2022
- Lee, Inho: MFD-based traffic simulation under large-scale construction, AY2022
- Zhong, Hengyi: Generation of aggregated road network by only vehicle trajectory data, AY2022
- Sato, Kimihiro*: Dynamic network congestion pricing based on deep reinforcement learning, AY2021
- Sakai, Kengo*: Traffic state estimation method per lane using surrounding environment observation probe vehicle, AY2020
Bachelor's degree
- Eguma, Hiromichi: Optimal design for urban structure under the presence of shared autonomous vehicle system, AY2024
- Kojima, Yukihiro: Continuous data-driven traffic state estimation on highway, AY2024
- Ishii, Yuki: Multi-objective optimization of freight and passenger joint transportation in shared autonomous vehicle systems, AY2023
- Hayashi, Kazuma: Vehicle and section-dependent speed-spacing relation estimation using hierarchical Bayesian model, AY2023
- Oda, Koki: Estimation of location-dependent fundamental diagram based on probe vehicle data and sparse modeling, AY2022
- Fujikawa, Yoshiki: Optimization method for dynamic congestion pricing with deep reinforcement learning, AY2022
- Komatsu, Yuta: Equilibrium analysis of rural transportation system with ride sourcing services, AY2022
- Kanamori, Yuki: Short-term future prediction of diverging ratio on road network without OD information by machine learning, AY2021
- Maruyama, Ryota: Multi-objective optimization of shared autonomous vehicle system: Integration with BRT and user optimal assignment, AY2021
- Fumiyama, So*: Traffic state estimation method using Link Transmission Model and mobile sensing, AY2020
- Sato, Kimihiro*: Data-driven congestion toll optimization method using reinforcement learning, AY2019
- Sakai, Kengo*: Traffic density estimation method using small satellite imagery, AY2018
*: those who have not been in this Lab but supervised by Toru Seo.